
Route 66: A mythical road


 Here  is a webquest to know more about Route 66:
(This webquest was created by Camille Depezeville and Morgane Lacavelier, students in LLCE ANGLAIS Master 2, University of caen)

WEBQUEST – Route 66


Bingo !! You and your friend have won two plane tickets to Chicago, a hire car and $10,000 to spend there. You decide to go on a road trip on Route 66. You stop off in a town for two days.

-> Your task: Browse the websites which correspond to the town you work on. Create a PowerPoint presentation about the town where you choose to stop. Make sure it contains four pages:
            ● Description of the town
            ● Places of interest / attractions
            ● Accommodation
            ● The check-list of the things you think are the most important for a road trip (list at least five things)

Remember!    In your PowerPoint presentation:
- You can use pictures but you also need to use key words.
- As you have won $10,000, you can indicate how much activities, accommodation and the objects on the checklist cost.
- You have to mention on which website you found the information.

 You can find information on the following websites: