
A brief recap of the Space Race.. from Sputnik to the first steps on the Moon on July 20, 1969
Watch this video from the site History.com


 On May 25, 1961, John Fitzgerald Kennedy delivers his famous address to Congres , thus launching the Moon conquest programme.

Share the crowd's enthusiasm as he declares "We choose to go to the Moon!". Here is the link to the video: http://www.google.fr/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=video&cd=1&cad=rja&ved=0CDkQtwIwAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Dg25G1M4EXrQ&ei=ruD5UvGsDcaf0QXIrYHoCw&usg=AFQjCNFNh_3x9bdDm1KcVU9kIOuplvDICQ&bvm=bv.61190604,d.bGE

July 20, 1969: " A small step for Man, but a giant leap for Mankind"


2013: Space Oddity in The International Space Station

Follow this link to know more about ISS:

What about a one-way ticket to Mars??

Collecting funds for the first private mission to Mars


Some inventions are totally accidental...

Read about the following examples on CBS news' website.


Ellis Island, an immigration station

Source : You Tube. Deconstructing History: Ellis Island


Gun culture ...

Source: an extract from the documentary Bowling for Columbine, by Mickael Moore

This cartoon was created by Trey Parker and Matt Stones, the creators of South Park.

Obama's reaction after the announcement of another shooting rampage in a Primary School in Newton, Connecticut, on December 14th, 2012:

Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=qpf9LcLltgg

 After a shooting in Oregon, oct 2015: Obama cannot hide his anger anymore... "Somehow this has become routine"

January 5th 2016:Can the President have the upper hand on Congress and the Gun Lobby?

 Source : https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=ZJCiDrqjjz8


Route 66: A mythical road


 Here  is a webquest to know more about Route 66:
(This webquest was created by Camille Depezeville and Morgane Lacavelier, students in LLCE ANGLAIS Master 2, University of caen)


Cloning... Genetic Modification...

Should we clone the woolly Mammoth?

Source: CBS News Talks

Utopia...or Dystopia?

Source : Sparknotes video summary of Brave New World
Read the following article to know more about the stakes of genetic engineering:
In the New York Times, How Science Can Build A Better You, November 4th, 2012


INDIA a contrasted world

Bollywood movies...

source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NnRorL4N5Bw

A fast-developing country

 source : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BqyGaT0RCt0

Poverty in India... Is there any improvement?

Gendercide in India:
. read this article from the website nydailynews. Here's the link: http://india.nydailynews.com/newsarticle/4f8ecb764dd34f751c000000/unwanted-daughters-india-battles-with-gendercide

. watch this video about the gendercide in India:

Source: ABC News, hosted by You Tube. Direct link to the video on ABC News webstite :